CCPS Closed for Students - January 9-10, 2025
Culpeper County Public Schools will remain closed for students tomorrow, Thursday, January 9 and Friday, January 10, 2025.
We will continue to assess conditions and employees will be contacted when to report.

After assessing conditions this morning, CCPS schools and offices will remain closed today, Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

Culpeper County Public Schools and offices will open at 12:00pm tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8, 2025 for a staff workday.
Students will return to school on Thursday, January 9, 2025.

CCPS Winter Break Extended One More Day
Culpeper County Public Schools winter break has been extended one more day due to the winter storm.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025: All schools and offices will be closed. Essential personnel and custodians will be contacted when to report.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025: Staff workday (no school for students).
Thursday, January 9, 2025: Students return to school.
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!

CCPS Winter Break Extended Due to Winter Storm
Monday, January 6, 2025: All schools and offices will be closed
Tuesday, January 7, 2025: Staff workday (No school for students)
Wednesday, January 8, 2025: Students return to school
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!

We hope you have a great holiday! Maybe you're decorating cookies like our students did this week!

CCPS Schools and Offices will be closed Friday, December 20, 2024 through Friday, January 3, 2025 for Winter Break.
Monday, January 6, 2025 is a Staff Workday.
Students return to school on Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Congrats to Yuna Persson for winning the Yearbook Cover contest. Check out her artwork! We will feature the other entries on the back cover and throughout the yearbook.

The SCA #atthePark would like to send a shout out to our custodians for picking up all of the food drive items that our classes collected for the Culpeper Community Christmas Basket. Our classes collected over 1000 items! Great job Sycamore Park!

Here is our December newsletter.

Looks like some of Santa's elves came to visit Ms. Hackley this past week!

Ms. McCombs first grade class was ready to read with their third grade reading buddies on Final Friday Readers day!" The chance to learn and read from others is always so fun! #atthePark

Fifth grade recently took a field trip to CTEC. Students shadowed the CTEC students and learned a bit about a future career that they may be interested in! Students can start to take some of the classes there in 10th grade, so they were able to see what careers and certifications are available to them in high school! Here is a link to some pictures of the students on that day! Check out all the smiling faces!

In case you missed it, here are some pictures from our Balloons over Sycamore Parade!

Recently #atthePark, our SCA worked hard to collect, package and distribute Gobble Grams for students to enjoy. It was such chaotic fun!

Our SPES annual spelling bee has concluded. Our spellers spelled 204 words! Please let all those who participated this year in the school spelling bee know that they did a fantastic job preparing 😃
Please congratulate:
🐝🐝🐝Emlyn Myers - 3rd place winner
🐝🐝Keara Portillo Urquilla - 2nd place winner
🏆Sophia Jolivette - 1st place champion
All three winners will compete at the county-level spelling bee at AG Richardson Elementary on January 22, 2025.

We need to catch up on sharing some of the great things that have been happening at Sycamore Park recently!
Mr. Norman is always there to support students, whether it’s using a graph to explore how we get to school in various ways, teaching letter recognition and phonics through fun and creative activities, or joining in on brain breaks.

Culpeper County Public Schools and Offices will be closed Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29, 2024 for Thanksgiving.

CCPS will be closed for Thanksgiving Wednesday November 27 through Friday, November 29, 2024.
When we return, it will be December - a good time to share information about weather closings in CCPS. Do you want to be notified when we are closed, but you are not already on our alert list? Download our app and enable push notifications - https://www.culpeperschools.org/article/917463

Mrs. Sweeney's students are learning about division and practicing their calculator skills!